• "Norte Santander, Cucuta".
    Intervention in the Colombian-Venezuelan border. Participation of the Colombian Army. Collaboration of the Museum of Sciences, University of Pamplona. Mediation produced by the Norte Santander Museum. Curated by Susana Quintero.
    Project: Lunada del Rosario. 2016

    Colombian Caribbean, Barranquilla.
    CANIBAL Residency under the curatorship of Jaider Orsini. Presentation of the Research NET NIET in the Museum of Atlantico, Barranquilla, 2016.

With long wings
Lunada del Rosario. Intervention in the Colombian-Venezuelan border.

Imburgering as art – Art as inburgering
Video about the working methodology, using documentation of the experiences in Colombia.

“Bocas de Cenizas” The meeting of the river with the sea.
Beginning of my research Between two Waters.

Photographic reflections of the research in the colombian caribbean

NET NIET room view. Museum of the Atlantic. Barranquilla, Colombia.

Ruben the firstborn son of a bitch. HD video loop.  Barranquilla. 2016

For the love of Lea, Video Performance. HD Video loop. Barranquilla. 2016

Social Schizophrenia. La Negrita Pulo, The motorized, The fanatic and a guerrilla fighter.

Curator Malandro

Virtual Exhibitions

Nelson Gonzalez in his "malandra" curatorial practice becomes the general curator and founder of the EL PRAN Projecten, where every quarter he presents manuscripts, curatorships, and curatorial accompaniments of artists from the Caribbean, Latin America and Europe.


Curator Malandro

Physical Exhibitions

Before the pandemic Nelson Gonzalez was the curator of the UNOCA gallery. In recent months, in the few attempts to reactivate spaces, the COVID 19 crisis continues to plague our island. As far as possible, we will continue to install new curatorial narratives in Aruba or other parts of the world.