• Inburgering as art - Art as inburgering
    Understanding INBURGERING (NL) As the mutual assimilation between legislation and immigrants in the process of naturalization, within the Dutch kingdom, a process that is decided through an admission exam. This process encompasses a general understanding of the culture, its civilization, and the legislative processes.

    What do I do?
    Translate this legislative formula into an artistic process in the form of an exchange of knowledge of local concepts and techniques from a geographical context that is new to me.

    How do I implement it?
    In the form of artistic residencies, research, working papers, collaborations, mediations, etc... I have managed to explore 10 years of ‘inburgering’ practice in Venezuela, Aruba, Curaçao, Colombia, Cuba, The Netherlands, the United States, Dominican Republic, and South Korea.

Artistic Production

Inburgering Art

Visit the projects, collaborations, mediations and artistic operations carried out in different countries.


Artistic Production


View the most recent projects or projects that have never been presented physically before